Djooken Djilba Art Business Services.

Corporate and Private Commissions

Authentic hand-painted canvas paintings by Hayley can bring warmth to any workplace or home.


Hayley has recently been mentored by Mural Installation specialists and can now produce mural paintings for both indoor and outdoor spaces.

Uniform Design

Hayley can design and coordinate with suppliers to produce beautiful and unique uniforms for workplaces, schools, and sporting teams.

If you would like input from working groups for a uniform design i.e. staff of the workplace, students of the school, players of the team, Hayley can support and provide artistic guidance to the working groups for the development of the design.

Testimonal - “We are so proud of the uniforms we designed”

Reconciliation Action plan Artwork

Hayley can create an original artwork that reflects your businesses reconciliation journey from the past to the present times, as well as the future of your business. Your corporate colour scheme can be incorporated and the artwork can be used for corporate branding on your reconciliation action plan, website, business material, uniforms, as well as having the original artwork placed in a noticeable position at your business.

Community Development

Hayley has over 10 years experience working with government and not-for-profit organisations to tackle the issues affecting young people and Aboriginal Communities. Hayley has attended many state-wide and National conferences, forums, and community events. During these years Hayley worked directly with communities to identify the issues affecting them, and develop strategies to overcome the identified issues.

Delivered to

1. Community groups

2. Workplaces

3. Youth groups - to educate and upskill around.

- Cultural connection

- -Mental health

- Social and emotional wellbeing

Art Workshops

For an hourly rate Hayley delivers Aboriginal Art development workshops to community groups, workplaces, schools, and sport teams.

Completed artwork will be presented to the company on completion of preoject. Hayley has a valid Working with Children Check and can travel to regional WA.

Cultural Workshops

Delivered to Youth to educate and upskill around;

1. The Aboriginal culture and how our mental health and culture are connected.

2. Noongar lands and culture.