Returns Policy

Returns & Refunds

All paintings are professionally photographed in order to display them as accurately as possible on our website and social media pages.

If you are not satisfied with your purchase and feel the artwork has been described inaccurately please contact me within 14 days from the purchase date. I can then offer you store credit, swap your artwork for another artwork (of the same/similar price) or give you a refund on the purchase price minus any costs incurred by Djooken Djilba Art. The safe return of the artwork is the responsibility of the purchaser and artworks must be returned in the original condition they were sent as well as the certificate of authentication and all relevant paperwork included.

14 Day Guarantee

If you change your mind up to 14 days from the purchase date, we will exchange your artwork with another artwork of your choice or give you a store credit for the purchase price minus any costs incurred by Djooken Djilba Art. The safe return of the artwork is the responsibility of the purchaser and artworks must be returned in the original condition they were sent as well as the certificate of authentication and all relevant paperwork included.