Contemporary Aboriginal Art

Djooken Djilba Art -

Djooken Djilba Art -

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  • Moorditj Moort_2022

    This artwork represents family and connection.


  • Wildflowers_2022.

    It’s amazing how our ancestors made medicine out of 100% natural products from the earth. Not only are native flowers and plants stunning to look at… they can be beautiful to smell, feel and sometimes taste. For many years Australian native bush flowers and plants have been used as natural healers/ medicines, mixed with other natural ingredients, native plants can be used to heal many different sickness’ both internal and external. Featured in this painting are the Kangaroo Paw, Banksia, Shy Sun Orchid, Boronia Megastigma (Brown Boronia), & Eucalyptus. These native plants can be found on Noongar Boodja.


  • Protectors_2021.

    This artwork depicts positive overseeing/guidance/ looking out for by ones protectors.
